Welcome to my blog

A welcome sign

A quick introduction to who I am, and the reasons I've decided to start my own blog.

Welcome to you

Welcome to you readers, I am happy to find you on my blog. The purpose is very simple: sharing with you the discoveries I do on my job as a Full-stack developer, or during experiments on my spare time. Being a software engineer is a really hard job, as you need to develop your soft skills, like communication, team-work and mostly adaptability as much as your hard-skills, where a rigorous and constant IT watch needs to be performed frequently in order to develop higher quality software day after day.

To know me a bit more, I invite you to discover me through the About me page.

Sharing is my objective

I guess some of you wonder one day whether they should start their own blog ? Well, for me, I've been asking this myself for a long time. I guess I just needed time, and subjects to talk about. Besides, there is a lot of quality blogs on the internet, and I didn't see the point of making my own. Here are some questions that stopped me along the way :

  • Will I be able to write interesting articles ?
  • Will the subject be attractive ?
  • Will my articles bring something different, another perspective that one did not find on another blog ?

But then it struck me recently: Every time you build a software, even if during the first steps you followed a tutorial or an article, you always end up with something different, with you own constraints, your own problems that you need to overcome. When you find the solution to a problem, what better way to make sure you master the subject than being able to share it somehow ? You could find many solutions to share, but writing an article could be a great way to start.

Before this blog, the only way I had to share things was to provide a big Readme on my github projects. Let's face the truth, my readmes are not always explicit, not easy to reproduce, and most of the times, full of grammar and typo errors... But those readmes were a first step. A first step to help me realize I want to do more, I want to share more. I want others to find solutions at problems I might already faced. I want to help the big community of software developers growing.

Why my blog and not just writing articles ?

That's a fair point, as there are dozens of blogs, websites, articles nowadays. I think that having its own blog can have more advantages:

  • It brings you visibility and transparency regarding your software skills and experiments you do. It is easy for someone to make sure you know what you are talking about.
  • You can freely express yourself, whether by designing your blog, or in the style used to write.
  • You can talk about any subjects. You could even do an article that is not really technical, but that transcript your point of view about a subject.
  • You can grow at your own pace. Not everyone is a poet, not every one can write perfect articles the first time. Take the time to discover what styles you are more comfortable with, and build something greater upon it.

What kind of articles to expect ?

I don't think I am a particular good writer, I have never done something like that before, but I read a lot of articles. I read some that I liked, some I didn't, but it allows me to know what I want to find in an article.

  • I will make my best for my examples to work properly, even if given the diversity of the IT eco-system, it might not be easy
  • I will provide a resource part to help know how I built the solution
  • I will try to be as clear as possible, explaining briefly but clearly the different part of the article


I do really hope you will enjoy the different articles, or at least find them interesting. If you wish to contact me for any reasons, either because you are stuck at a step, or because there are mistakes, or unclear things, feel free to contact me on my personal email: thibault.ruaro@gmail.com

Picture of Thibault Ruaro

Published by Thibault Ruaro

I am a GCP Professional Architect, with a passion for great code. I like reading about code best practices and staying up-to-date concerning the latest IT subject. I am also an official Spring Core Trainer, where I give training at Zenika on a monthly basis. Read more